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One Food Cuts Blood Sugar More than the Leading Diabetes Drug

In All Health Watch, General Health, Gut Health, Sugar Challenge

If you walk into your doctor’s office and are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, chances are you’ll walk out with prescription for metformin.  

It is the nation’s leading diabetes drug treatment. It has been prescribed to 120 million people worldwide. It lowers blood sugar by an average of 25%.i ii 

But a fascinating study shows there’s a simple way to reduce blood sugar even more than metformin can.Read More

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One Exercise Fights the Root Cause of Disease

In All Health Watch, Fitness and Exercise, General Health

Chronic inflammation is the root cause of many serious illnesses, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s. 

Harvard University researchers go even further.   

They say inflammation may cause all disease. They call it the “unifying theory” of disease.i  

But inflammation can also be lifesaving. It is the body’s natural response to injury and illnesses. The process involves white blood cells and other immune substances attacking viruses and bacteria that invade your body. Read More

How Climate Change Is Damaging Your Immune System

In All Health Watch, General Health, Immune Health

When we think about climate change, things like rising seas, higher temperatures, and stronger storms come to mind. 

But global warming is also affecting our bodies.  

And it’s doing it from the inside out, by changing what’s in the food we eat, according to a major Harvard study.i 

Climate Change Is Making Us Deficient in a Crucial Mineral 

Climate change is caused by rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Read More

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Don’t Let Your Doctor Give You This Routine Heart Test

In All Health Watch, General Health, Heart Disease

There is a simple heart test that doctors often give as part of routine physicals. 

It’s cheap, painless, and easy. It takes just a couple minutes. 

But this screening actually does more harm than good in most patients. And you should avoid it unless you have symptoms. 

It’s called an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG for short). 

The doctor or a nurse puts electrodes on your arms, chest, and legs to record your heart’s electrical activity. Read More

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Using the Internet Boosts Retirees’ Brain Function

In All Health Watch, Alzheimer's and Memory, Anti-Aging, Cognitive Health

The internet comes under a lot of fire these days for causing all sorts of social ills, but a new study shows that it may be your brain’s best friend after you retire.i 

Researchers in Europe found that people who regularly use the internet after they quit working score significantly higher on memory tests. Women, in particular, were found to benefit mentally by using the internet, the study found. Read More