Featured Heart and Cardiovascular Articles

If your heart isn’t protected, it really doesn’t matter how healthy the rest of your body is.

Unfortunately, the mainstream’s idea of how to get a strong heart and cardiovascular system. They say cholesterol is the problem and make millions on dangerous statin drugs. They think the only way to lower blood pressure is with a beta blocker or other pill. They advise coronary angioplasty—even bypass surgery—to millions of people who either don’t need it, or won’t be helped by it.

…And heart disease is still the #1 killer of Americans. Because…

  • Research confirms statins are worthless—and a serious threat to your health.
  • Doctors prescribe ace inhibitors—instead of this algae that out performs 14 different kinds.
  • Even drugs unrelated to heart issues are increasing your risk for a deadly heart attack.

Your heart needs to last a lifetime—preferably a long, healthy one. When you go for a morning swim…play tag with your grandkids…even when you’re stressed about something at work or home…you should have the peace of mind that your cardiovascular system is fully supported. And you can do that by:

  • Not just checking your blood pressure, but its fluctuations. People with these changes in BP were 25% more likely to experience heart failure.
  • Getting the right amount of sleep—too much or too little increases your risk of stroke.
  • Rejecting these summery drinks—some even look healthy—full of heart harming sugar.
  • Eating more of these “fatty” foods—critical for keeping a healthy heart.
  • Avoiding one of the most surprising links to heart complications—depending on where you live it could raise your stroke risk 10%.
  • Exercising the right way. Too much can actually cause tissue scarring in the heart, as well as
  • Knowing how much alcohol is too much. And what kinds are really the most heart healthy.
  • Steering clear of high fructose corn syrup. A study reveals it only takes two weeks to start destroying your heart.

What would it mean to know that you’re doing the most to keep your heart healthy and strong? To make your family proud with A+ doctor’s tests… To always feel up to running errands, going out for dinner and dancing… To take that bike ride with your wife… Sign up for the morning running club… Accept that doubles invitation.

The Institute for Natural Healing research team uncovers natural ways for you to add healthy, vital heart support to your daily routine. To get pure energy—at the cellular level—to support healthy blood pressure, cholesterol, inflammation, blood vessels, and circulation. So you can eliminate your worry and live your life to the fullest.

The best way to get our latest heart health solutions is through a membership to Independent Healing. Every month, members learn about treatment breakthroughs and outright cures for the hardest-to-treat illnesses and conditions that plague us today. Including heart disease.

Independent Healing offers you the research and options you need to make informed choices about your health, and that of your loved ones. For more information on how to join—and the free bonus heart health report you’ll get immediately after sign-up—go HERE.