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One Natural Compound Slows Brain Aging, Study Finds

In All Health Watch, Cognitive Health, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, General Health

Spinach and kale have been touted for years as superfoods. They are low in calories and loaded with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, iron, and vitamins K, A, and B6.

All of these are great for your heart and overall health and fitness.

Now, a new study shows that the greatest benefits of these leafy greens might be keeping your brain sharp. Both vegetables are rich in a relatively obscure nutrient called lutein.… Read More

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New Study Reveals the Best Kind of Vitamin D

In All Health Watch, Anti-Aging, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, General Health

At INH, we provide you with the most unbiased, accurate, and cutting-edge health guidance you can get… But it is still gratifying when impeccable research confirms the advice we’ve been giving our readers.

For years, we have been telling you that not all vitamin D is created equal. One type is more readily absorbed and has greater health benefits.

And now a major new study confirms our longstanding recommendation.… Read More

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A Drink (or Two) a Day Stops Diabetes, Study Finds

In All Health Watch, Diabetes, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, General Health

A drink or two a day can help you prevent diabetes.

That’s the surprising finding of a major new Danish study that followed more than 70,000 people.

It runs counter to the advice that doctors gave for years. They warned diabetics and prediabetics against drinking. They believed it caused dangerous blood sugar swings.1
But the new research shows the opposite is true—if you choose the right beverage.… Read More