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Coconut Oil’s Bad Rap 

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, General Health, Heart and Cardiovascular


Cyanide is a poison.  

Arsenic is a poison.  

Rattlesnake venom is a poison.  

But coconut oil?  

One medical professor thinks so. She called it “pure poison” and “one of the worst things you can eat.”i 

And she’s not alone. Mainstream doctors have long warned that coconut oil is bad for your heart.  

Is Coconut Oil “Pure Poison”? 

But before you toss out your coconut oil, you should consider mainstream medicine’s history when it comes to saturated fats.Read More

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Full-Fat Dairy Is Good for Your Heart 

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, Heart and Cardiovascular


Go to the dairy aisle of any supermarket and you’ll see the same thing… 

 A selection of low-fat cheese, sour cream, yogurt, and skim milk.  

And it’s there for one reason… 

Because mainstream doctors have told us for decades that full-fat dairy will clog your arteries and give you heart disease.  

We’ve been telling you for years that this widely held myth is nonsense.Read More

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How to Protect Yourself from a Morning Heart Attack 

In All Health Watch, General Health, Heart and Cardiovascular


You may have heard that early morning is when your risk of having a heart attack is greatest. 

Early-day heart attacks are not only more frequent, they are deadlier. They are 20% more likely to kill you.i 

Doctors have never known exactly why people are more prone to heart attacks in the morning. Researchers at Queen Mary University of London set out to solve the mystery.Read More

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The Surprising Reason Arthritis Patients Suffer Heart Attacks 

In All Health Watch, Anti-Aging, Arthritis, Heart and Cardiovascular, Longevity

For decades, doctors have known that people with arthritis are more likely to suffer heart attacks and heart failure. 

Their risk for heart disease is 23% higher than the general population. Their risk for heart failure is 42% greater. And they face a significantly higher chance of having a stroke, too.i 

But a major study shows that it’s not arthritis that is causing the heightened risk.Read More

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The Natural Weapon Against Leaky Gut 

In All Health Watch, Anti-Aging, Diet and Nutrition, General Health, Gut Health, Heart and Cardiovascular, Longevity, Weight Loss

“Leaky gut” sounds bad. And it is. 

It’s an inflammatory condition that weakens the lining of your stomach. This means undigested food particles leak from your intestines into your bloodstream.i 

That causes an immune response. The symptoms can include irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, eczema, chronic fatigue, food allergies, arthritis, and more. Many people suffer from these problems without ever knowing that the root cause of their symptoms is a leaky gut.Read More

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7 Strange Heart Disease Symptoms

In All Health Watch, Heart and Cardiovascular, Heart Disease

You probably know that the classic signs of heart disease…  

They are chest pain and shortness of breath when you exert yourself.  

Other common symptoms include pain, numbness, or weakness in your legs, arms, upper abdomen, back, or neck.i 

But there are other, lesser-known signs of cardiac problems that you might never associate with heart disease. It’s important to be aware of them because heart disease remains America’s number one killer. Read More