"Wonder Fruit" Lowers Blood Pressure by 10 Percent

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, Heart and Cardiovascular

Is it possible to protect your heart by eating one widely available fruit? Cardiologist expert Dr. Steven Bolling says it is.

As we explained in Tuesday’s message, he’s just published a study which shows that one specific fruit can lower your blood pressure. It can also decreased “bad” cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

He tested his theory on rats that have a similar biology to humans.… Read More

How Big Pharma Sells You Dangerous Drugs

In Featured Article, Health Warning

The FDA is warning that a recently approved heart drug doubles your risk of death.

The drug in question is dronedarone. Its street name is Multaq. It was approved in July 2009 by the FDA. And doctors wrote over half a million prescriptions for it in 2010.

But it’s now clear that the drug causes severe liver injury. In some cases even acute liver failure.… Read More

Slash Your Risk of Heart Disease

In All Health Watch, Blood Pressure, Featured Article, Heart and Cardiovascular, Heart Disease

Brand new research shows that one common fruit can lower “bad” LDL cholesterol and blood pressure.

That research comes from Dr. Steven F. Bolling. He’s a trained heart surgeon who’s internationally recognized for his expertise in heart valve abnormalities. During his career he’s published more than 217 journal articles on the topic. He currently runs the research lab for the National Institutes of Health.… Read More

Protect Your Prostate Now!

In All Health Watch, Anti-Aging, Cognitive Health, Featured Article, Prostate Cancer, Sexual Health

Most doctors will tell you that too much testerone causes prostate cancer. But one doctor believes the reverse. He says “free” testosterone is vital to good prostate health.

That doctor is Abraham Morgentaler. And he’s spent the last seven years proving his theory.

As we told you on Tuesday, it all began in 2004 when he treated an 84-year-old patient with prostate cancer.… Read More

PSA Screenings: a Money-Making Scam

In Cancer, Featured Article

If I told you that prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screenings were more about making money than your health, you might think I was crazy. After all, 30 million men can’t be wrong, can they?

But screenings are not only virtually pointless but potentially harmful too. And most of the players in the medical community know it. The feds know it. The American Cancer Society knows it.… Read More

Everything You’re Doing for Your Prostate May Be Wrong!

In All Health Watch, Cognitive Health, Featured Article, Men's Health, Prostate Cancer, Sexual Health

It’s possible that everything you hear about managing your prostate is wrong. That’s because most doctors believe that elevated testosterone levels cause prostate cancer cells to grow.

But emerging research says the exact opposite is true. New studies show that your prostate thrives on increased levels of “free” testosterone. In fact, higher levels can actually reverse the growth of cancer cells.… Read More