red meat

New Study: Red Meat Is NOT Bad for Your Heart

In All Health Watch, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, Heart and Cardiovascular, Heart Attacks, Heart Disease

“Beef—it’s what’s for dinner.”

This famous TV commercial line spoken by Robert Mitchum was launched in 1992 as the beef industry tried to fight off the entrenched medical belief that eating red meat caused disease.

Even today, U.S. nutritional guidelines still advise eating less than 3 ounces of beef or pork per day.1

But the misguided anti-meat dogma is now dying a slow death as study after study shows beef, lamb, and pork not only don’t clog your arteries…they are good for overall health.

A recent large meta-analysis by Purdue University researchers may be the final nail in the coffin of the red meat-heart attack myth. It is a comprehensive look at hundreds of dietary studies over the last two decades.

Recommended for You: What REALLY Causes Heart Attacks?

It’s not high cholesterol. It’s not eating saturated animal fats. It’s not even lack of exercise or elevated blood pressure.

Instead, 5 everyday things put you at risk for sudden death by heart attack or stroke. And you probably did 3 of them before lunch today. In this special presentation, we tell you what all 5 are. And more important, how to protect yourself.

Dr. Wayne Campbell is a professor of nutrition at Purdue. He led the research effort.

Dr. Campbell said: “During the last 20 years, there have been recommendations to eat less red meat as part of a healthier diet, but our research supports that red meat can be incorporated into a healthier diet.

“Red meat is a nutrient-rich food, not only as a source for protein, but also bio-available iron.”

Contrary to the routine advice from most doctors, the scientists found that eating red meat does not raise cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, or heart disease risk.2

The research included all types of unprocessed red meat, primarily beef and pork.

Origin of Red Meat’s Undeserved Bad Rap

A major Harvard study found that red meat was blamed for cardiovascular and other diseases that were actually caused by processed red meats.

The Harvard researchers looked at data from 20 different studies. They concluded that the chemicals, preservative, and additives in processed meats were causing the health damage found in earlier research—not the red meat itself.

Processed meats like sausages, hot dogs, and lunch meats are loaded with sodium and nitrates. The first increases your blood pressure. The second increases plaque in your arteries.3

Processed meats also contain high levels of benzo[a]pyrene, a cancer-causing chemical.

Here’s more evidence: A Rutgers University study of the diets of 12,000 Americans found that vegetarians’ risk of heart disease is the same as meat eaters.

Red Meat: Nutrient Powerhouse

Calorie for calorie, red meat is one of the world’s most nutrient-rich foods. One 3-ounce serving of lean beef contains only about 180 calories. But it’s one of the foods highest in protein.

And meat protein is more beneficial than protein from other sources. It contains high amounts of an amino acid called leucine. It helps prevent muscle and bone loss as you age.4

Pork and beef are also high in iron, a lacking nutrient in the diets of many Americans.5

Red meat is rich in vitamin B12 and zinc, which help your body produce DNA, boost immunity, and keep nerve and red blood cells healthy.6

The Best Kind of Red Meat

Always choose organic, grass-fed beef. Factory-farmed red meat is grain-fed. And it’s often pumped full of hormones and antibiotics.

Grass-fed beef also contains a big dose of healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation.

If you’re worried about your heart health, there’s something else you should know…

Something strange was happening to pilots training to fly F-16 fighter jets.

The ones who went into the program with elevated blood pressure were coming out a few weeks later with normal, healthy readings. They hadn’t taken any medications… Their diets hadn’t changed… They didn’t made any changes to their exercise regimens.

Go HERE to discover their secret… And how you could lower your blood pressure up to 15 points—from your living room—using this same trick.

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