What if there was a fruit that could significantly lower your risk of heart disease? What if this super-fruit could actually repair damaged arteries, reverse arteriosclerosis, and regenerate blood vessels?
And what if it could do all this in just 12 weeks?
You’d make it part of your diet… In a heartbeat.
New research shows that if you are worried about your heart, you should consider black raspberries.1
Scientists divided 51 people with metabolic syndrome into two groups. Twenty-six subjects took black raspberry extract for 12 weeks. The others received a placebo.2
Metabolic syndrome is a potentially deadly combination of conditions. They include belly fat, high blood pressure, low “good” HDL cholesterol, elevated triglycerides, and high blood sugar. People with it—some 34% of U.S. adults—are at high risk for a heart attack.3,4
Researchers checked subjects’ markers of heart health before and after the 12 weeks.5,6
Those taking black raspberry extract versus the control group had:
- 8% less vascular stiffness and their hearts expended less energy.
- At least 20% more endothelial progenitor cells. They repair arteries and stave off heart disease.
- Three times more of the proteins and hormones that protect against arterial inflammation and promote cardiovascular health.
The researchers stated that “the use of black raspberry significantly lowered [symptoms of heart disease] . . . thereby improving cardiovascular risks in patients.” Black raspberry extract caused “rapid restoration to the damaged endothelium (arterial walls).”
Researchers from Korea University Anam Hospital conducted the study. It was published in the Journal of Medicinal Food.7
Why Black Raspberries Are Powerful Heart Medicine
Why are black raspberries so good for heart health? Researchers say it’s because they are packed with flavonoids, tannins, and resveratrol. These antioxidants fight the inflammation and hardening of arteries. Flavonoids increase nitric oxide in the blood. This allows arterial walls to regain their flexibility and maintain healthy blood flow.
But don’t confuse black raspberries with blackberries or raspberries.
Black raspberries look very similar to blackberries. But they are smaller.

Black Raspberries
And while good for your health, other berries do not contain nearly the same levels of flavonoids and other antioxidants.
An analysis at Oregon State University found that black raspberries have more than six times the antioxidant power of red raspberries and three times more than blackberries.8
Farmers sometimes call them “blackcaps.” Other names for them include black cap raspberry, thimbleberry, and scotch cap. The scientific name is Rubus occidentalis.
They are widely grown in the Pacific Northwest but are starting to gain popularity elsewhere.9
Previous research has shown that the powerful little black raspberry also helps prevent colorectal and esophageal cancers.10
Eating fresh or frozen black raspberries will definitely benefit your health. But they can be hard to find outside the Pacific Northwest.
In the new study, subjects took 750 mg a day of black raspberry extract. It is widely available in health food stores and online. One brand we recommend is Genesis Today.
Editor’s Note: There’s one other thing you should know about heart health…
Discover the little-known test that detects heart problems quicker than the ones used in doctor’s offices across the country… And find out how a natural extract treats heart disease—without dangerous side effects.
Get all the details HERE.
In Good Health,
Angela Salerno
Executive Director, INH Health Watch
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