You’ve waited for it all year… But summer comes with some unexpected health dangers. Here are five ways to avoid them for your healthiest summer yet.

5 Ways to Avoid Summer’s Hidden Health Dangers

In All Health Watch, Cancer, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, General Health, Nootropics and Brain Support, Skin Cancer, Skincare

Lounging by the pool… Hitting the beach… Firing up the grill again… There are plenty of reasons to be excited for summer. But there are hidden dangers all around us during these months. You need to know what to look out for before you pack up for vacation—or a day at the beach.

Here are five ways to avoid hidden health dangers this summer:

1. “Hack” Your Grilling for Better Health:

Grilling may be a favorite summer pastime in the U.S.… But it’s also a danger to your health. High-heat grilling forms polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on your food. These increase your risk of developing cancer and reproductive issues. But you don’t have to give up the grill to avoid them…

Just marinate your meat in beer. Let it soak for four hours before putting it on the grill. The darker the beer, the better… Black beers can lower the number of PAHs that form on grilled meat by up to 53%. It also makes meat more tender and flavorful.

2. Know What You’re Diving in To:

Before you go for a swim…think about what’s in the pool. Chlorine and bromine are two of the most common chemicals used to treat them. They put you at risk for poisoning and lung damage. In fact, soldiers used chlorine as a chemical weapon during World War I.1

There’s an easy way to limit your exposure to these harmful chemicals. Don’t spend too much time in a conventional pool… Just 40 minutes in a chlorinated pool may be enough to cause DNA damage. Make sure to rinse off as soon as you get out. Ideally, you’ll avoid them altogether. If you’re close to a clean, well-maintained lake you may want to try that. If that’s not an option, try to find a saltwater pool.

3. Fuel up on Nature’s Sports Drink:

Aside from fighting sugar cravings and depression, staying hydrated can protect you from health threats this summer… Like heat exhaustion and kidney stones.2 But water alone may not be enough. Your body needs electrolytes too. They help keep your muscles relaxed… And help balance the acidity of your blood.3

Don’t be fooled by sports drinks. They’re light on electrolytes and high in sugars… About 20 grams or more. Coconut water is your best option. Always look for organic, cold-processed brands in small bottles. This will help you avoid Bisphenol-A (BPA)—and over-indulging in natural sugars.

4. Stop the Harmful Slathering:

You may think sunscreen is protecting you… But most of these products are putting your skin at risk. Manufacturers add dangerous ingredients like oxybenzone. These chemicals are added to prevent cancer. But they can actually help it develop. They can also disrupt hormone functions, cause allergies, and damage healthy cells.

Health Watch readers know the best way to protect your skin starts with getting moderate, intermittent sun exposure… Not avoiding it. Spend 15 minutes or so in the sun. Then find some shade. This helps your body produce vitamin D and melanin… Two natural compounds that protect you from melanoma. Eating foods high in antioxidants—like red grapes—can help protect your skin from harmful sunburns.

5. Drink to Your Health—Not Against It:

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a few beers with friends and family this summer. Drinking it in moderation may help boost your brain. But it could have the opposite effect if you aren’t careful…

BPA disrupts hormones and can trigger migraines. It also lines beer cans. And it can seep into each sip you take. But it’s not just BPA… Studies show propylene glycol is found in popular beers as well. This chemical mutates cells…and could make you more likely to develop cancer.

The solution? Don’t drink your beer out of a can. Stick with organic beers in glass bottles. They contain higher quality ingredients… And no harmful additives.

Don’t let hidden threats put your health at risk this summer. Following these simple steps will keep you safe—and boost your health in the process. But these aren’t the only steps for protecting your health this summer…

Next month, Independent Healing subscribers will learn why following their dermatologist’s—and the CDC’s—advice about sun exposure is stealing years off their life. We’ll reveal why the sunscreen industry pays big bucks to keep you in the dark… And the five steps you must take to experience the sun’s cancer-killing effects.

In Good Health,

Angela Salerno
Publisher, INH Health Watch

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You’ve waited for it all year… But summer comes with some unexpected health dangers. Here are five ways to avoid them for your healthiest summer yet.
