PSA Screenings: a Money-Making Scam

In Cancer, Featured Article

If I told you that prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screenings were more about making money than your health, you might think I was crazy. After all, 30 million men can’t be wrong, can they?

But screenings are not only virtually pointless but potentially harmful too. And most of the players in the medical community know it. The feds know it. The American Cancer Society knows it.… Read More

Everything You’re Doing for Your Prostate May Be Wrong!

In All Health Watch, Cognitive Health, Featured Article, Men's Health, Prostate Cancer, Sexual Health

It’s possible that everything you hear about managing your prostate is wrong. That’s because most doctors believe that elevated testosterone levels cause prostate cancer cells to grow.

But emerging research says the exact opposite is true. New studies show that your prostate thrives on increased levels of “free” testosterone. In fact, higher levels can actually reverse the growth of cancer cells.… Read More

Live Stronger and Do More with This Anti-Aging Cocktail

In All Health Watch, Anti-Aging, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, Longevity

We have some exciting news on the anti-aging front. It comes from Dr. David Rollo. He earned an M.D. at Cambridge University and a PhD from Princeton University. He’s written a dozen peer-reviewed journals on anti-aging and published four best-selling books on the subject. He currently leads research at McMaster University in Canada.

He’s just published a study in the current issue of the journal Experimental Biology and Medicine.… Read More

Improve Your Heart Strength with Low-Carb Option

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article

Can dietary changes reverse atherosclerosis? Can you lower blood pressure without any of the risks associated with statin drugs?

A new international study uses cutting-edge technology to prove that the answer to both questions is yes.

Dr. Iris Shai – of the Ben-Gurion University, Israel – has spent the last two years working on this study. She placed 140 people on a low-carb diet for two years.… Read More