We already know about stroke, suicidal thoughts, and cancer… But using SSRIs may be putting expectant mothers at risk for even more devastating side effects.

The Most Devastating Side Effects of Antidepressants

In All Health Watch, Breast Cancer, Cancer, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, Sexual Health, Stroke

The dangers of taking antidepressants keep stacking up…

For women, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are particularly dangerous. They raise estrogen levels. This makes them more susceptible to breast cancer.1 SSRIs may also increase their stroke risk by almost 50%.2

But new research confirms what may be the most devastating side effects of using these drugs…

Life-threatening birth defects.

The research comes from the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities. It’s a division of the CDC. Scientists reviewed studies on birth defects linked to SSRI use. They looked at data from about 30,000 mothers. These women took SSRIs from one month before to three months into their pregnancies.

These included citalopram (Celexa), escitalopram (Lexapro), fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), and sertraline (Zoloft).

Paroxetine had the worst effects on developing babies… It made them 2–3.5 times more likely to have developmental problems. We’re talking about serious head, heart, and intestinal defects.3 Yet this isn’t what the mainstream media is paying attention to.

Sertraline was the most common medication used in this study. Researchers say its link to birth defects wasn’t significant. So of course the mainstream media is spinning the findings. They make it seem like this drug is harmless… And that SSRIs aren’t a real danger to developing babies.4

But this drug—like any SSRI—is far from safe.

Earlier studies show a mother’s use of sertraline during her first trimester increases her baby’s chance of having birth defects.5 This means there is still a risk for birth defects from using this drug… Even if this latest study tries to downplay them.

Then there’s the mother.

She is still at risk for side effects that come with using SSRIs… Things like suicidal thoughts, convulsions, and loss of bladder control.6 And don’t forget about increased risk of stroke and cancer.

Our advice? Don’t let the mainstream fool you into thinking SSRIs are safe. They aren’t.

Later this month, Independent Healing subscribers will learn how one of the most shocking cover-ups in medical history makes Big Pharma $19 billion a year… All while destroying countless lives.

We’ll reveal the five natural ways to fix the REAL cause of depression… Without taking a single prescription. Like vitamin B9. Studies show it fights depression in women.7 You can get it from avocado, spinach, asparagus, and beef liver.

Best of all, Independent Healing subscribers will discover the 15-minute solution for eliminating depression… Once and for all.

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In Good Health,

Angela Salerno
Publisher, INH Health Watch

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