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One Exercise Lowers Blood Pressure Better than Drugs

In All Health Watch, Fitness and Exercise, General Health

Just about every person dealing with high blood pressure knows that exercise can help. But a fascinating study shows that one kind of workout can reduce hypertension near twice as much as prescription medications. 

The research was presented at the European Society of Cardiology conference in Munich.

Scientists divided 60 volunteers with hypertension into groups. Some did simple yoga poses. Others did stretching, relaxation, or deep breathing exercises.Read More

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High Blood Pressure? This Common Food Additive May Be the Culprit

In All Health Watch, Blood Pressure, Diet and Nutrition, General Health, Heart and Cardiovascular

If you go to the doctor and your blood pressure is high, two things are likely to happen… 

First, your physician will tell you to cut down on salt.  

Second, you’ll be handed a prescription for a hypertension drug. 

But a new study finds that your doctor should talk to you about stopping what could be the root cause of your high blood pressure. Read More

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Cook Your Food This Way to Lower Your Blood Pressure

In All Health Watch, Blood Pressure, Heart and Cardiovascular

If you have high blood pressure, your doctor has probably told you that you should to eat right to get your numbers down.  

But here’s something you probably didn’t know… 

It’s not only what you eat that matters…it’s how you cook the food. 

Researchers at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health looked at how cooking methods affect the risk of developing hypertension. Read More

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Blood Pressure: How Low Is Too Low?

In All Health Watch, Blood Pressure, Featured Article, Heart and Cardiovascular

Many of us worry about high blood pressure. And for good reason. It leads to heart disease and increases your risk of stroke and early death.

That’s why millions of Americans take hypertension medications. But a Harvard University analysis recently revealed a surprising new danger associated with these drugs. They might actually be too effective in reducing blood pressure.[1]

Optimal blood pressure is about 120/80.… Read More