Cool playful strong grandpa with confident grimace exercising holding equipment up, lifts it with strength and power.

Get Stronger to Live Longer    

In All Health Watch, General Health


You probably think you know the best ways to live longer.  

The usual strategies are to not smoke, maintain a healthy weight, exercise, and eat right. And of course, it helps to have good genes. 

But a major study shows there is an underrated aspect of health that is just as crucial for longevity as better-known lifespan boosters. 

University of Michigan researchers have found that physical strength is a key indicator of how long you’ll live. Their study shows that people with low muscle strength are 50% more likely to die prematurely.i 

The lead researcher was Dr. Kate Duchowny of the U-M School of Public Health. “Maintaining muscle strength throughout life—and especially later in life—is extremely important for longevity and aging independently,” she said.ii 

Surprising Strategy to Live Longer 

The study shows hand-grip strength in particular is important.  

Dr. Duchowny and her colleagues looked at 8,326 subjects over 65. 

The researchers used a dynamometer to measure their grip strength. Patients squeeze the device. It measures strength in kilograms. 

Men with a hand-grip strength under 39 kilograms were categorized with muscle weakness. For women, the weakness threshold was 22 kilograms. 

The study found 46% of the subjects were “weak.” And these people were far more likely to die early. 

Dr. Duchowny said hand-grip strength should be part of routine physicals. This would “allow for earlier interventions” That could lead to increased longevity. 

The study was published in the Journal of Gerontology. 

Additional Benefits of Strength Workouts 

There are other surprising benefits to strength exercises… 

  • The type of muscle fiber you build when you lift weights improves metabolism and helps reduce body fat.iii 
  • Muscle training has been shown to reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes.iv 
  • Regular workouts build your willpower and make you mentally stronger.v 

5 Best Strength Exercises for Longevity 

The takeaway here is clear…  

Cardio exercise is important for heart health. But you shouldn’t neglect muscle 

You can go to a gym if you like. But you can also work out at home, no fancy equipment necessary. 

If you’re a beginner, don’t overdo it. Start with as few reps as you are comfortable with. Gradually add reps over time as you gain strength. 

Always consult your doctor before you start a new exercise routine. 

Here are some basic body-weight exercises to get you started. Taken together, they cover the major muscle groups: 

  • Planks: Get into the raised push-up position but rest your weight on your elbows. Keep your body straight. Tense your abs. Don’t let your middle sag. Hold the position for as long as you can. 
  • Pull-ups: You can purchase a bar to install in a doorway in your home. You can also find pull-up bars at many public parks. Grasp the bar at shoulder width and pull yourself up until your chin is just above the bar, or as high as you can manage. Then lower yourself to the starting position. You can grip the bar with palms facing either outward or inward. Each position works slightly different muscles. 
  • Squats: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your weight on your heels. Lower your upper body until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Push from your heels to return to a standing position. Tighten your butt and stomach as you rise. 
  • Lunges: Stand up. Put one foot about three feet in front of the other. Both feet should point straight ahead. Lower your back knee until it’s an inch off the ground. At the same time, keep your upper body straight. Push up from your front leg and straighten your rear leg as you return to the standing position. Do reps first on one leg, then the other. 
  • Push-ups: You probably know how to do these… Place your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart. Keep your body straight and legs close together. Lower your body until your chest is almost touching the ground. Fully extend your arms to push yourself back up. For a less difficult version, rest your lower half on your knees rather than your toes. 

By following a consistent resistance exercise regimen, you’ll stay stronger and live longer. 

Editor’s Note: Muscle mass—more than any other factor—may determine how long you’ll live. Discover how to get a stronger body even as you get older. Get all the details in our monthly journal Independent Healing by clicking HERE. 


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