Young Seniors

Study Discovers How Some People Defy Aging

In Anti-Aging, Featured Article, General Health

Most of us know at least one elderly person who seems to defy age.

They are in perfect health. In great shape. They look far younger than their age. And they do it without taking any medications.

A new study may have discovered their secret.

Scientists at Western University and the Lawson Health Research Institute recently completed one of the world’s largest microbiota studies. They did a detailed analysis of the gut bacteria of more than 1,000 Chinese people.

They found that elderly people in great health had the same gut bacteria profile as people decades younger. These “superagers” had large numbers of beneficial microbes. And they also had many different species.1

Professor Greg Gloor is a scientist at the Lawson Health Research Institute. He led the study.

“The main conclusion is that if you are ridiculously healthy and 90 years old, your gut microbiota is not that different from a healthy 30 year old,” Gloor said.

The study showed a direct correlation between microbes in the intestine and healthy aging, he said.

“This demonstrates that maintaining diversity of your gut as you age is a biomarker of healthy aging,” Professor Gloor said.

The researchers concluded that cultivating healthy intestinal bacteria may help people live longer and healthier.2

The study was published in the journal mSphere.3

4 Ways to Boost Your Good Bacteria

To improve your microbiome:4

  • Eat probiotic foods at least once a day. Since pasteurization removes bacteria, look for unpasteurized foods such as tempeh (fermented soybeans), kimchee (fermented Korean cabbage), sauerkraut (fermented cabbage), miso (fermented barley paste), yogurt (fermented milk with active probiotic bacteria), kefir (fermented milk), and kombucha (green or black fermented tea with fruit and spices).
  • Take a probiotic supplement. Look for a supplement that contains at least six different probiotic strains and at least 10 billion CFUs per serving. This is a measure of potency. Be sure to check the expiration date. Probiotics lose potency over time.5
  • Eat prebiotics at least twice a day. Prebiotics are food for pro Just like all living things, good bacteria need to eat. Prebiotics are their food. Fuel for healthy gut microbes includes garlic, leeks, asparagus, dandelion greens, chicory root, Jerusalem artichokes, and bananas.
  • Avoid antibiotics. They kill all bacteria in our system, bad or good. In some situations, antibiotics can be lifesaving. But they are overprescribed and often used unnecessarily.

If you must take antibiotics, be sure to take a quality probiotic supplement afterward.

Editor’s Note: Peak Biome is no ordinary probiotic supplement. It’s a major breakthrough designed to go the extra mile. We didn’t just load it with 15 billion CFUs of the eight most important probiotic strains your body needs for optimal health… We included the fuel they need to work at their best—so you can feel your best.

Get all the details HERE.

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