Checking Your Water for Contaminants Is Easy

In All Health Watch, Featured Article, General Health

Credit card commercials ask: “What’s in your wallet?” But here’s a better question…

“What’s in your water?”

Most of us have no idea. And the answer often isn’t pretty.

Carcinogens, lead, prescription drugs, pesticides, industrial chemicals, and fertilizers are all common contaminants found in water systems around the nation. But how bad is the problem?

The U.S. Geological Survey and Environmental Protection Agency discovered 47 different pharmaceutical drugs in tap water across America.

Another study found the powerful carcinogenic chemical 1,2,3-tricholoropropane (TPC) in the water supplies of 13 states.

And, of course, there was the famous lead crisis in Flint, Michigan. Children in the city suffered severe cognitive problems after unknowingly drinking tainted water for years.

Afterward, an investigation found that at least 3,000 neighborhoods around the nation had worse lead problems than Flint.[1]

Contaminants in tap water are linked to cancer, brain damage, birth defects, fertility problems, and hormone disruption.[2]

And what does the government do about it?

In many cases, nothing.

Often, it has “allowable” limits on toxins that are ridiculously high. Most of the EPA’s limits far exceed those deemed safe by independent scientists.

For example, the EPA limit for arsenic in drinking water is 100 parts per billion. However, scientists with the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment say the limit of this powerful poison should be 4 parts per trillion.

That’s 25,000 times lower.

The EPA’s safe drinking water policies are such a sham that it hasn’t added a new chemical to its list of water pollutants in more than 20 years. Scientists say that there are now over 160 unregulated—but dangerous—contaminants that outdated guidelines don’t even address.[3]

How Poison Gets into Your Drinking Water

Agriculture is a leading source of the contaminants. Pesticides, fertilizer, manure, and animal drugs leach into groundwater. They end up in municipal water supplies. Farms are largely exempt from federal water pollution laws.

Landfill seepage and manufacturing waste add even more toxins. People flush unused prescription drugs down the toilet. They eventually end up coming out of faucets. That’s because current regulations don’t require our water treatment systems to remove prescription drugs.

Check Your Water Now

The quality of your drinking water can vary greatly depending on where you live. Rural communities are often more at risk because of farm pollution.

It’s now easy to check what’s in your water. The Environmental Working Group has released a national database of all the water systems in the country.[4]

Simply type your zip code into the Tap Water Data Base and hit “go.”

The site will tell you which contaminants have been found in your water supply. And it reveals how the levels compare with state and national standards.

The system does not have data on private wells. If you are on well water, check with your county health department. It may offer free water testing.

If not, you may have to pay for your own test. Go HERE to find certified water testing labs in your area. Or call the toll-free Private Well Hotline at 855-420-9355.[5]

How to Protect Yourself and Your Family

When you check your water, you’ll likely find areas of concern. Few systems deliver pristine water.

But if you think bottled water is the answer, you’re wrong.

Bottled water usually comes from municipal water supplies. In fact, it can actually be more polluted. Chemicals from plastic containers can contaminate bottled water.[6]

The best defense is to filter your tap water. The least expensive option is a carbon filter that fits atop a pitcher. The carbon filtration does a decent job removing most contaminants.

The most effective filters combine carbon filtration with reverse osmosis. These dual systems fit under your sink. They remove chemicals and most other contaminants. They cost around $200.

The highest level of protection is a full home purification system. It filters water before it enters your home. These systems cost $850 to about $2,600.

Water is essential to life. It’s the world’s most important nutrient. You want to make sure yours is as clean as possible.

Editor’s Note: Unlike the mainstream media, we don’t accept advertising from Big Pharma. That’s why you can count on us for unbiased medical information. Our only motivation is your good health.

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