There is no proof that flossing teeth contributes to dental health. That’s the surprising finding of a new review of studies.

Stop Feeling Guilty About Not Flossing… There’s No Proof It Works

In All Health Watch, Featured Article

If you’re lax about flossing, you can stop letting your dentist lay a guilt trip on you.

For over three decades the medical establishment has pushed flossing. The federal government and the American Dental Association have told us we need to floss daily to prevent plaque buildup that causes gum disease. Dental companies sell a billion dollars’ worth of floss to Americans every year…

But it turns out there’s no evidence it actually works.1

That’s the surprising conclusion of a massive review of 25 studies. It determined the effectiveness of flossing “is not supported by scientific evidence.”

It goes on to state that studies “fail to demonstrate that flossing is generally effective in plaque removal.2

In light of the new findings, don’t sweat not flossing. There are proven ways to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

5 Secrets to Super-Healthy Teeth

Read the back of a tube of fluoride toothpaste.

First, avoid toothpastes that contain fluoride.3  It is linked to lower IQs and disruption of brain, thyroid, and reproductive functioning. Too much fluoride actually causes discoloration of your teeth’s enamel. After age 8, it has no benefit to oral hygiene.

You might be surprised to see it has a poison warning. You’ll see warnings to keep the toothpaste out of the reach of children… And if too much is accidentally swallowed, “contact your Poison Control Center” immediately. Do you really want poison in your mouth every morning?

Recommended For You: Why Healthy People Get Cancer

Scientists have discovered the shocking link that could finally explain the rapid rise in cancer rates among the healthy. It’s a common infection that affects men and women of all ages…and if you have it, it could lead to cancer.

In one study, the Journal of Infection found it was present in at least 88% of cancer patients. It might even be more. Without a doubt, this may be the #1 health crisis facing Americans today. You need to see THIS special presentation with all the details right away.

Instead, switch to an all-natural toothpaste. One excellent brand is Nature’s Gate.

Here are five other safe ways to keep a healthy mouth and a bright smile:5

  1. Activated charcoal: Bleaching your teeth is dangerous and expensive. Use activated charcoal instead. It extracts toxins and teeth-staining tannins from your teeth’s enamel and mouth. Buy the capsules at your health food store and pour the grains onto your toothbrush. Brush and let the charcoal sit for a few minutes in your mouth. Don’t worry about the black look. Rinse thoroughly. Don’t use regular charcoal!
  1. Coconut oil: Coconut oil is a natural antimicrobial agent. This means it can cure small infections in your mouth. Use it like mouthwash. It will kill bacteria naturally. It can rid your mouth of streptococcus and candida. These pathogens can cause tooth decay, inflammation, and secondary yeast infections. Swish a tablespoon of the oil in your mouth for an extended time, about 15 minutes. Afterward, rinse and spit.
  1. Vitamin D3: Among its many benefits, the sunshine vitamin helps prevent cavities. A review of 24 clinical trials found that vitamin D3 cuts in half the risk of tooth decay. Wild-caught salmon, eggs, and mushrooms are excellent food sources. Getting 15 minutes of sunlight a day with your arms and legs exposed can also give you the vitamin D you need.
  1. Probiotics: Probiotics give good bacteria in your mouth the ability to crowd out harmful germs. Take a quality probiotic supplement or use an oral probiotic rinse.
  1. Xylitol: It’s a safe, natural alternative to sugar. Chewing xylitol-sweetened gum instead of sugary brands prevents strep and other nasty germs from surviving in your mouth.

And when it comes to flossing: Never floss with low-friction brands based on Teflon. They are popular because they are easier to get between tight teeth. Teflon is the commercial name for the chemical polytetrafluoroethylene. It is linked to cancer, hormone disruption, brain and liver problems, and low birth-weight babies.6

For many of us, flossing is a habit we’ve had since childhood. We like to make sure there’s no food stuck between our teeth. That’s fine. There’s no proof flossing is healthy. But there’s no proof it’s unhealthy, either.

Just make sure that you stick with floss that uses non-toxic, natural ingredients.

We like a product called Radius. It’s made from silk fiber and coated with plant-based wax. You can use it with confidence, knowing that you’re not putting anything dangerous inside your mouth.

In Good Health,

Angela Salerno
Executive Director, INH Health Watch

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