A vitamin D deficiency could put your bone and brain health on the line. But having levels lower than this may also put you at 35% greater risk for a heart event…

The Right Amount of Vitamin D Will Save Your Heart

In All Health Watch, Featured Article, Heart and Cardiovascular, Heart Disease

A vitamin D3 deficiency puts your bones, brain, and hormones at risk. Now a new study shows low levels can endanger your heart.

Researchers in Utah looked at 230,000 patients over a three-year period. They put subjects into different groups based on their blood levels of vitamin D.

      • < 14 ng/mL
      • 15-29 ng/mL
      • 30-44 ng/mL
      • > 45 ng/mL

Then they tracked major cardiac events—like heart attack and stroke—in these groups. Patients in the < 14 ng/mL group had a 35% increase in risk compared to the other three groups. And among those other groups, risk was about the same.

In other words, low vitamin D levels can set you up for major heart problems. And if that’s not bad enough? About 10% of the study population fell into the high-risk group.

According to Dr. J. Brent Muhlestein, the study’s lead author, “Even if any level above 15 ng/mL is safe, one out of 10 people still have vitamin D levels lower than that. This equates to a very large percentage of our population.”

So 15 ng/mL is the minimum number you need to aim for when it comes to heart health.1 But for your best overall health, your numbers should be higher. Ideally, your number should fall within the 40-60 ng/mL range.

Before anything, ask your doctor for a 25 (OH) D test. This will reveal how much vitamin D you really have.

Some people—such as those with dark skin, seniors, and those who don’t live in a sunny climate—absorb less vitamin D from the sun. But once you know what your levels are, you can take natural steps to help raise it if need be.

25 (OH ) D Level

Study Value

INH Value

< 14 ng/mL


Very low

15-29 ng/mL



30-44 ng/mL



> 45 ng/mL



You can get D3 from foods like organic mushrooms, pastured eggs, and wild-caught salmon. An even better way to get it is with safe sun exposure. If you need a little extra help, a natural D3 supplement is another option. Aim for 5,000 IU a day.

A 25 (OH) D test is a great place to start to determine your heart risk. But it isn’t the only heart test you need…

Discover the little-known test that detects heart disease quicker than the ones used in every doctor’s office and hospital across the country… And how a natural “warrior extract” can treat heart problems without any toxic statins or dangerous surgeries.

Get all the details HERE.

In Good Health,

Angela Salerno
Publisher, INH Health Watch

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