Get Off the Holiday Weight Rollercoaster

In All Health Watch, Diabetes, Diet and Nutrition, General Health, Weight Loss

Many of us repeat the same cycle every year… 

During the holidays we eat, drink, and be merry. 

Then we step on the scale in January to discover how much weight  

we’ve packed on. Much of the rest of the year is spent trying to lose it. 

Of course, it would be easier and healthier if we could enjoy the holidays without ending up the size of Santa.  

A study found that it’s really not that hard. 


How to Get Through the Holidays Without  

Packing on Pounds 

The research was published in the The British Medical Journal. Scientists gave 272 participants simple, common-sense advice for not overeating.i 

The participants were divided at random into two groups. One was called the intervention group. They were told to weigh themselves twice a week or more during the holiday season. They were instructed to write down their weight and to think about it.  

Additionally, the group was given weight-watching tips. These included doing regular exercise and avoiding sugary drinks. 

The second group was the control group. They were given pamphlets with advice for leading a healthy lifestyle. But they received no information about diet. 

The control group gained an average of about a pound over the holidays. The intervention group, however, lost weight. About a pound on average. 

The study authors say their results “should be considered by health policymakers” to help prevent weight gain during “high-risk periods” such as the holidays.ii 


7 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain 

You can take matters into your own hands with these research-backed tips… 

  1. Use a smaller plate. A study published in the journal Obesity found that people who use larger plates tend to weigh more than others.iii 
  1. Don’t drink soda. Soft drinks are the largest single source of sugar and calories in the American diet. If you make just one diet sacrifice during the holidays it should be to cut out soda.iv 
  1. Exercise. It’s obvious, but it’s true… If you stay active you’ll be thinner. Go for regular walks. Do push-ups. Swim. Play golf or tennis. Don’t sit for longer than an hour. 
  1. Eat mindfully. This means not just robotically scarfing down your food. When you sit down to a meal, take your time. Appreciate all aspects of your food. Look at it for a few moments. Observe the colors, textures, and aroma. Eat slowly and take small bites. Chew thoroughly and appreciate the taste. Studies show this approach helps you lose weight over time.v 
  1. Allow one cheat day a week. It can be difficult to constantly deny yourself when others around you are indulging. Give yourself permission to have a weekly cheat day. If you limit it to one day a week, it won’t have a big effect on your waistline. 
  1. Weigh yourself regularly. Be conscious of your weight on a day-to-day basis. Research shows that people who do this are more likely to avoid gaining 
  1. Get adequate sleep every night. Lack of sleep has been linked with overeating. The hormones that regulate hunger are affected when you don’t get enough shut-eye. Seven to nine hours a night is optimal for most people.vii 


Don’t let the holidays undo a year’s worth of healthy eating. By taking these sensible steps, you can get off the holiday weight rollercoaster.  


Editor’s Note: Have you gained weight during the pandemic? You’re not alone. Americans have packed on an average of two pounds a month during the coronavirus crisis, according to a recently study.  

Read our monthly journal Independent Healing to discover a better way than dieting to lose weight. You don’t have go hungry, give up your favorite foods…and it works better than dieting. Go HERE to find out more. 


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