When you eat to lose weight

Change When, Not What, You Eat to Lose Weight

In All Health Watch

Mainstream doctors tell us the formula for weight loss is simple: Eat less.

But for most people, this doesn’t work. It’s difficult to sustain a low-calorie diet. And when you go off the diet, the weight comes back. You often get heavier than you were before the diet.

But a new study shows you can get a slimmer body not by changing what you eat…but by instead changing what time you eat.

The research was led by Dr. Jonathan Johnston of the University of Surrey. He and his colleagues examined the effect of changing meal times on body composition.1

The subjects were divided into two groups. The control group ate as they normally would. They ate the same foods in the same amounts at the same times they always had.

The other group also ate the same foods in the same amounts they always had. But they were asked to restrict their eating to a smaller window of time. They had breakfast 90 minutes later than usual and dinner 90 minutes earlier. This is called time-restricted eating (TRE).

At the end of 10 weeks, the subjects who followed a TRE eating schedule lost more than twice the body fat as the control group.

Why did this happen? Even though they were told they could eat as much as usual, time-restricted eaters found they ate less. Researchers said this was due to a lower appetite and reduced snacking

Dr. Johnston says the study provided “invaluable insight into how slight alterations to our meal times” can reduce body fat.

“Reduction in body fat lessens our chances of developing obesity and related diseases, and so is vital in improving our overall health,” he said.2

Time-Restricted Eating Works Better Than Conventional Diets

A number of recent studies have found that TRE leads to weight loss.3
Here’s how to get started:

Ease into it. Start by eating breakfast 15 minutes later than usual. And have dinner 15 minutes earlier. Each week, shorten your eating window by a half hour by eating breakfast 15 minutes later and dinner 15 minutes earlier.

Eat within a 10-hour window. Stop reducing your eating window when it is at 10 hours. So if you eat breakfast at 8 a.m., you should finish dinner by 6 p.m. Some people have more weight loss success with an 8-hour window. But this can be difficult to maintain.

Eat more protein. You’ll find you stay fuller longer if you eat more protein and avoid carbs. Good sources include organic eggs, beef, poultry, and wild-caught fish.

One more thing… Don’t get discouraged if you slip up. If you eat outside your window, simply try to maintain your schedule the next day.

Editor’s Note: What’s the secret to lasting weight loss? Here’s a hint: It starts—and ends—in your brain. But it has NOTHING to do with willpower… Discover why 93% of contestants on The Biggest Loser gain back all the weight they lose on the show (and more)…why indulging in “cheat meals” actually helps your body burn stored fat…and the little-known hormone that unlocks your true weight loss potential.

Get all the details HERE.

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1 https://www.surrey.ac.uk/news/changes-breakfast-and-dinner-timings-can-reduce-body-fat
2 https://medicalxpress.com/news/2018-08-breakfast-dinner-body-fat.html
3 https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322365.php