Coronavirus Stress: 5 Ways to Keep Calm and Carry On

In All Health Watch, Coronavirus, Featured Article, General Health, Mental Health

You hear about it everywhere—TV, newspapers, the internet. It’s all your family and friends are talking about.

It’s impossible to get away from.

And you wonder, “What’s going to happen me? What’s in store for my loved ones? What’s happening to our country?”

The constant coronavirus drumbeat of doom in your head can cause overwhelming anxiety.

Not only does it make you feel bad, but studies have found that stress suppresses your immune system.[1]

Here are five ways to calm your jangled nerves during the coronavirus crisis.

5 Ways to Beat Coronavirus Stress

  1. Stay in contact with others. Social distancing does not mean social isolation.

    Dr. Harriet Lerner is a psychologist and author. She says that even though you need to stay at home, you shouldn’t cut yourself off from those you care about. “Use the phone, text, email—all means possible—to stay connected to friends, neighbors, your adult children, anyone who matters to you,” says Dr. Lerner. “People need to hear your voice, and vice versa.”
  • Stay entertained. Now is the time to binge watch that TV series you’ve heard is good, enjoy movies, pick up a good book, listen to music, or do whatever entertains you within the walls of your home.

    A study published in the journal Health Communication found that the more subjects watched TV, the more their cortisol levels dropped. Cortisol is the “fight-or-flight” hormone. It makes you feel anxious and is linked to high blood pressure, weight gain, and depression.[2]
  • Accept what you can’t control. Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom is the NBC News health editor. She says it’s important to come to terms with “the new normal.” Recognize that you’re not alone, that “this is a universal worry, and we’re all in this together.”

    Accepting that social distancing is necessary is a good way to reduce stress. But keep in mind that our old, normal way of life will return. Dr. Fernstrom suggests you occasionally tell yourself aloud, “This is not forever.”[3]
  • Write. When coronavirus fears start to get the better of you, write down those troublesome thoughts. It will help you get them out of your system to look at them objectively. Also write down positive things.

    Remind yourself how you’ve coped with difficult times in the past. Write a list of things you’re grateful for. All this will focus your mind away from stressful thoughts.
  • Take L-theanine supplements. L-theanine is an amino acid. It’s naturally found in green and black tea. It fights anxiety and promotes relaxation without making you sleepy. L-theanine is well-suited for the times—studies have found that it specifically lowers anxiety in people who are going through stressful events.[4]

Franklin Roosevelt famously told Americans that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Don’t let yourself become a victim of anxiety. Keeping your cool will help keep you healthy.

Editor’s Note: If you’re worried about the coronavirus outbreak, you need to know about “infinite immunity.” It’s a recent Nobel Prize-winning discovery that gives your body the power to fight off most infections. You can find out more by reading our monthly journal, Independent Healing. Go HERE.

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