Plastic Is Quietly Killing Your Heart

In All Health Watch, Featured Article, Health Warning, Heart and Cardiovascular, Heart Attacks, Heart Disease

Perhaps you remember the controversy a few years ago over the plastic chemical BPA. It was linked to a wide range of health problems, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hormone problems, and migraines.[1] 

In 2012, the FDA banned BPA (bisphenol A) from baby bottles and children’s sippy cups. The plastics industry started voluntarily removing the chemical from other products as well. It was no big deal for them because they had another substance they could easily substitute for BPA. 

It’s called BPS (bisphenol S). It’s a close chemical cousin of BPA, with similar properties. 

We know what you’re thinking. 

Isn’t it logical that BPS would have the same damaging health effects as BPA? You’d think the FDA would want to know the answer. 

But the agency continues to allow BPS and other chemicals related to BPA to be used in virtually everything made out of plastic. This includes water bottles, food containers, food wrappers, canned food linings, and much more. 

A new study confirms that BPS may be just as dangerous, if not more so, than BPA…especially when it comes to your heart. 

The research comes from Canada’s University of Guelph. Scientists gave mice amounts of BPA and BPS equivalent to levels ingested by humans.[2]

Both chemicals weakened heart contractions, slowing blood flow. BPS had an even faster impact than BPA. It caused heart damage within five minutes of exposure.

The study was conducted by Professor Glen Pyle. He said he and his team were surprised “at the speed (BPS) worked. It seems to be more potent” than BPA.[3]

Although it was an animal study, Professor Pyle said he believes BPS affects humans in much the same way it does mice.

He said that BPS could raise the risk of a heart attack, especially in people already at risk because of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, or obesity.

5 Ways to Keep BPS and BPA Out of Your Body

Professor Pyle says BPS should be banned from consumer products. Switzerland has already outlawed it. The European Union is now considering a continent-wide ban. But there’s no sign the U.S. will act.

Here’s how to minimize your exposure to BPS and BPA:

  • Avoid using plastic food or drink containers.
  • Never refill disposable water bottles. When you handle the bottle, you naturally bend and flex the plastic. This causes chemicals to be released.
  • Never drink from bottled water that is past its expiration date or has been stored in high temperatures. The heat will cause chemicals to leach out even more than usual.[4]
  • Use stainless steel or glass water bottles. Fill them with filtered tap water.
  • Avoid canned foods. Can linings often contain BPA, BPS, and other harmful chemicals.

Plastic chemicals are everywhere. It’s impossible to avoid them entirely. But do your health a favor and minimize how much goes into your body.

Editor’s Note: If you’re concerned about exposure to the toxic chemicals that are all around us, you need the Toxin Flush Protocol. It’s a detailed plan to help remove toxins from your system. You can get it in our monthly journal, Independent Healing. It’s your best source for evidence-based health advice. Go HERE to subscribe.

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