If you aren’t getting more of this nutrient to prevent cancer, you should get more for your brain. Research shows it may slow cognitive decline.

Slow Brain Aging With This Vitamin

In All Health Watch, Anti-Aging, Cognitive Health, Featured Article, Longevity, Nootropics and Brain Support

It’s arguably the most critical nutrient for your health. Your immune system needs it to keep you bug-free during cold and flu season. Your bones need it to stay strong. And your skin won’t heal without it.

Now new research reveals it is a simple, natural way to save your brain from dementia, too… I’m talking about vitamin D3.

Scientists at the UC Davis Alzheimer’s Disease Center in California studied about 400 people. They were all around the age of 75.

The research team measured each participant’s vitamin D levels and gave them cognitive tests, following them for five years.1 What they found was unsettling…

More than 60% of seniors in the study were found to have low levels of vitamin D. They lost their unique memories and ability to do simple things—like manage time and focus their attention—three times faster than people with normal vitamin D levels.2

Thankfully, there are easy ways to get more of this crucial nutrient…and avoid full-blown Alzheimer’s.

First, you need to get your levels checked. Ask your doctor for something called the 25(OH) D blood test. It’s a simple blood draw. Or order an in-home test online from The Vitamin D Council. All it requires is a quick finger prick.

Fasting before either of these tests isn’t necessary. But you will want to get tested sometime in the fall or winter.3 This way you’ll get a more accurate reading.

Your levels should be between 40-60 ng/mL for optimal health. So if your number is below that, you’ll want to increase your vitamin D intake.

It’s best to get adequate vitamin D through a combination of sun exposure and dietary vitamin D3. You need only about eight minutes of sunlight per day. And wild-caught salmon and organic, grass-fed beef are great food sources. But if you prefer a plant-based source, mushrooms are a good choice.

Vitamin D supplements can also boost your levels. Look for a whole-food D3 supplement that gives you at least 5,000 IU per day.

Vitamin D3 isn’t the only way to preserve your mental sharpness as you age. Decades’ worth of research on one memory-boosting natural herb is impressive to say the least… And Big Pharma knows it: They’re trying to turn this extract into a drug.

And when they do, they’ll try to sell it to you for hundreds of dollars…

You can get it here, for just pennies a day.

In Good Health,

Angela Salerno
Publisher, INH Health Watch

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