Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died of a condition called sudden cardiac death, say doctors. One powerful natural treatment could have save him.

Justice Scalia Didn’t Have to Die

In All Health Watch, Featured Article, Heart and Cardiovascular, Heart Attacks

The official cause of death for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is listed as “natural causes.”

This is a vague catch-all term used when an autopsy is not performed, as was the case with Justice Scalia.

But doctors examining the circumstances of his death at age 79 say they know exactly what killed him. And they know what could have saved him, too.

Famed heart surgeon Dr. Chauncey Crandall says a condition called sudden cardiac death is to blame.1 Dr. Douglas M. Lakin agrees, calling it a “classic” case.2

Sudden cardiac death is the largest cause of natural death in the U.S., killing 325,000 Americans every year. It is responsible for half of all heart disease deaths.

It often strikes without warning. There is no chest pain, no nausea, no sweating… None of the classic signs of a heart attack.

That’s because sudden cardiac death is not a heart attack. Even though it can occur during a heart attack. It happens when the heart’s electrical system goes haywire. This causes it to beat dangerously fast. When this happens, blood does not make it to the brain.

Death follows quickly unless emergency measures are taken within a few minutes.3

How can you lower your chances of becoming a victim?

Doctors got their first clue years ago. They noticed that sudden cardiac death is less frequent in areas with hard water. British researchers took a closer look at the data. They isolated the protective effects to one mineral: magnesium.4

Harvard researchers followed more than 88,000 women for 26 years. They found that a high blood level of magnesium reduced the risk by 41%.5

A University of Minnesota team concluded that low magnesium levels in both men and women may be the most important predictor of sudden cardiac death.

In other words, there’s a good chance that this mineral could have saved Justice Scalia. But it’s not too late for you.

High-magnesium foods include dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, fish, avocados, bananas, and dark chocolate. But the most reliable way to make sure you get enough is to take a supplement. A sensible dosage is 500-1,000 mg a day.

Magnesium supplements come in many different forms. The one you want to avoid is magnesium oxide. It is the kind used in laxatives. Instead, opt for magnesium glycinate, orotate, citrate, or taurinate. All four are well-absorbed.6

But if you really want to know how to protect your heart…

Discover the five REAL triggers of heart attack and stroke… And the natural, effective ways to prevent them.

Like how avoiding this popular heart drug can cut your risk of having a fatal heart attack in half… The vital hormone that slashes stroke risk in men by 36%… And how to get your heart protection kit today.

I urge you to learn more now.

In Good Health,

Angela Salerno
Publisher, INH Health Watch

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