Does Meat Cause Cancer?

In Featured Article, Health Warning

In the United States there is a fairly common belief based on dubious research and media hype that vegetarian diets are healthier and protective against cancer. I would like to set that myth to rest, because to date, the studies have not been clear on this.

Let’s start with a close look at the popular 2005 book The China Study.… Read More

Are Your Lungs Shrinking?

In Featured Article

When it comes to physical health, there are few things more important than “lung power.” Great martial artists like Bruce Lee knew physical strength and robust health depend on your lungs.

The strong men of my father’s era knew it too. Part of what gives you the capacity to live robustly is getting enough oxygen. But without your awareness, you are probably losing lung capacity.… Read More

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The Key to Fitness is Advancing to the Next Level

In All Health Watch, Featured Article, General Health

Our caveman ancestors had to be ready to run from a predator or chase after prey at a moment’s notice. They needed a strong heart and lungs to generate lots of power very quickly in order to survive.

In modern times, you don’t have to run from predators but you do need to have access to that extra power if you are being chased by someone or if you need to make a quick getaway.… Read More

Birth Control Pills – Still Hold Risks

In Featured Article, Health Warning

Birth control pillsYears ago I started educating health professionals and patients in my practice about birth control pills. If they — or their wives, daughters, or patients were taking them — they should make sure to supplement with a multivitamin and mineral containing higher dosages of B vitamins.

The reason? Studies have found that oral contraceptives deplete several nutrients including vitamins B2, B6, and B12, folate, vitamins C and E, magnesium, and even CoQ10.… Read More