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Big Pharma’s Diabetes Lie

In All Health Watch, Big Pharma, Diabetes, Featured Article, Health Warning

A blood sugar test is part of every standard check-up. And if your readings are elevated into a range that classifies you as prediabetic, it’s understandable to be worried. 

Diabetes puts you at high risk for heart attack or stroke. And it makes you prone to a slew of other problems such as neuropathy, blindness, and kidney disease. 

Prediabetes is rampant in the U.S. About 84 million Americans have it.[1]

Big Pharma recognizes these patients as a massive customer base. And that’s why drug companies encourage doctors to prescribe blood sugar-reducing drugs to people who are prediabetic. They argue that without these drugs, most prediabetics will get full-blown diabetes. 

But a new study shows that this isn’t true. 

Researchers at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute followed 2,575 subjects for as long as 12 years. At the start, 918 had blood sugar levels in the prediabetic range. Of that group, only 13% developed full-blown diabetes. But 22% saw their blood sugar drop into the normal range. The rest stayed the same.[2]

Dr. Ying Shang was the lead study author.  He said the chances of remaining prediabetic or going back to normal are “actually pretty high.” And Dr. Shang points out that lifestyle changes “such as weight management or blood pressure control may help stop prediabetes from progressing” without having to take drugs.[3]

5 Safe, Natural Blood Sugar Solutions

If possible, you should try to lower your blood sugar levels without drugs. Weight loss and exercise are two proven ways. Certain foods and supplements are also effective:

Okra: This vegetable is a potent anti-diabetes agent. The seeds are rich in alpha-glucosidase inhibitors. They stop starches from converting to sugar in your bloodstream.

Garlic: It can have the same effect as metformin, the first-line drug for type 2 diabetes. You’ll get the most benefit from eating raw garlic. You can also take a natural garlic extract supplement.

Walnuts: One study found that eating walnuts lowered subjects’ diabetes risk by 24%. They’re high in healthy fats, protein, and antioxidants. Eating the nut raw gives you the most benefit. Don’t discard their waxy outer skin. That’s where most of the antioxidants are.

Coffee: A recent study found that people who cut their coffee intake by one cup or more a day were at 17% greater risk for type 2 diabetes. But people who increased their coffee consumption by one or more cups each day lowered their risk by 11%.

Vitamin D: University of California researchers found that people with high levels of vitamin D lowered their risk of type 2 diabetes by 80%. The study found that those with a daily intake of 5,000 IUs of vitamin D had the most protection. Make sure you opt for the D3 form. It is more easily absorbed than D2.

Editor’s Note: Learn how you can reverse diabetes in as little as 12 weeks.

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