America’s most popular lunch item, the sandwich, is unhealthier than you think. A new study at the University of Illinois shows that sandwiches are a stealth source of calories, sugar, and sodium.

One Everyday Food That’s Wrecking Your Diet

In All Health Watch, Cancer, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, General Health, Weight Loss

A new study has found that there is one common food item that most Americans need to dump from their diet.

Most of us eat it every day. We may even think it’s healthy. But it gives you 100 extra empty calories a day. That means you’ll gain more than 10 pounds over a year.1

Striking this food from your diet not only can help you lose weight… It can lower your blood pressure—and lessen sugar’s harmful effects on your health.

About 53% of Americans eat a sandwich every day.2 It’s our nation’s favorite lunch.

We generally don’t think of sandwiches as unhealthy. But most of them are.

For the new study, researchers at the University of Illinois looked at the diets of over 27,000 Americans. They published their findings in the journal Public Health.

Researchers analyzed the dietary impact of eating a daily sandwich.3 They discovered that on days people ate a sandwich they consumed an extra 100 calories, 7 additional grams of fat, 3 more grams of sugar, and 268 added grams of sodium.

What’s more, on sandwich-eating days, people consumed fewer fruits and vegetables.

The study found that the most common types of sandwiches are filled with processed meats. They are loaded with additives linked to cancer.

And the bread on most sandwiches is most often made from white, processed flour. Everybody should try to cut down on carbohydrates… But white bread is a particularly unhealthy carb. Studies have found that eating it regularly can lead to obesity, diabetes, and depression.4

Sandwiches: Stealth Junk Food

A 2013 study found that people consistently underestimate the number of calories in sandwiches. They don’t think of them as junk food. But many of them are made entirely from processed, chemical-laden ingredients… The very definition of junk food.5

Transform your sandwich into a tasty and healthy meal with some simple changes.

There are two parts of any sandwich… The inside and the outside. The outside is almost always bread. And that’s a big part of the problem.

Instead of bread, wrap your sandwich in dark, leafy greens such as wide-leaf lettuce or spinach. Or build your sandwich between two slices of cucumber.

Here’s another great idea from Empowered Sustenance, a website which promotes grain-free eating:

Cauliflower Curry Wraps

Wraps made from cauliflower are a tasty and healthy alternative to traditional sandwiches.


½ head cauliflower

2 eggs

½ tsp curry powder

½ tsp salt

  1. Preheat oven to 375. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. In a food processor, pulse cauliflower until it forms a crumb-like texture.
  1. Place minced cauliflower in a sauce pan with ¼ cup of water. Simmer covered for 8 minutes or until tender. Drain cauliflower using a colander. Let drain thoroughly to remove excess water.
  1. In a bowl, stir cauliflower into remaining ingredients.
  1. Spoon small circles of mixture onto parchment and press down to form thin layers, like a tortilla.
  1. Bake for about 17 minutes until dry and pliable. Gently remove to a wire rack to cool. Make a sandwich using your favorite fillings.

For sandwich fillings, stick to fresh, organic ingredients. Sliced avocados and grilled portabella mushrooms make great additions. And make sure to replace processed cold cuts with quality meats—like grilled pastured chicken or thin-sliced grass-fed beef.

Editor’s Note: If these three “chemicals” are working against you… There’s no diet in the world that will help you.

Discover how to naturally conquer your weight without pills, without side effects, without starving yourself…while eating delicious food—HERE.

In Good Health,

Angela Salerno
Executive Director, INH Health Watch

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