The Natural Answer to Reversing Allergy Symptoms

In All Health Watch, Featured Article, General Health

Allergies, hives, arthritis… They’re all autoimmune conditions. And most medications do very little to help ease symptoms.

A better alternative? Go after the invader that may be causing your symptoms in the first place. Most people don’t even know it, but germs are often the trigger. One in particular is found in over 70 percent of people with autoimmune symptoms.1

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) invade your gut through tainted water or food. You can also get it from contact with other people. It causes inflammation in your gut and disrupts your immune system. 2

The result? Autoimmune issues like hives. Or sometimes more serious problems like psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, and thyroid disease.3

You can kill off H. pylori and restore your immune system with a common vitamin. Even small increases can ease the severity of allergy symptoms by over 30 percent in just seven days. A higher intake of 4,000 IU led to an additional 40 percent decrease in 12 weeks. That’s a 70 percent improvement in symptoms in about four months.4

But if you’re like most people, you don’t get enough of this important vitamin.

In 2005, Barry Marshall and Robin Warren won the Nobel Prize for their work on H. pylori. Their research shows that it’s a major cause of inflammation and disease.11

It fights off the bacteria that you never even knew could be causing your autoimmune symptoms.

We’re talking about vitamin D3. We’ve already told you how it protects your cartilage and builds strong bones. You can even use it as a natural defense against cancer.

And without enough D3, your body can’t fight off infection.5 When H. pylori infect your immune system, it turns on your body’s vitamin D receptors.6 In other words, your immune system sends out an S.O.S. for more D3 to create the antibodies that destroy the germ.7

Don’t think you’re at risk? Think again. H. pylori infect about 30 percent of adults in the U.S.8 If you’re over 60 and deficient in vitamin D, you’re especially at risk for a compromised immune system. It’s easier for you to pick up these nasty bacteria. And harder for you to fight them off.9

It’s always a good idea to get your levels tested. Your doctor can do this with a simple blood test. Keeping your blood levels of vitamin D3 at 50 ng/ml is enough to prevent inflammation and help you avoid autoimmune symptoms.10

You can get more of it naturally from foods like mushrooms, eggs, and wild-caught salmon. If you choose to supplement, make sure it’s a quality supplement from natural sources. And make sure it’s D3, the form that’s most easily absorbed.

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