Natural Body Acid Can Kill Cancer Cells

In All Health Watch, Cancer, Featured Article

There’s good news from Vladimir Titorenko, PhD. The results of his brand-new study show that one naturally produced acid may kill several kinds of cancer cells.

Dr. Titorenko is a professor of biology at Concordia University in Montreal, and his research has been published in many credible journals. This new study, backed by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, was published in the journal Oncotarget.

Dr. Titorenko has good reason to believe he’s onto something big. “[This acid] doesn’t just kill individual cancer cells,” he says. “It could also prevent the entire tumor from growing.”

The acid is naturally produced in the liver during digestion. And it appears to specifically target the cancer cells found in brain and breast tumors.

A Promising Alternative to Conventional Treatments

The acid is LCA – lithocholic acid. The research team knew that it helps make fat soluble for absorption into the body. But its cancer-fighting properties came as a surprise. And because it leaves normal cells alone, while stopping cancer cells from spreading, it could be a big improvement over chemotherapy and radiation.

So how does it work?

Dr. Titorenko theorizes that cancer cells might be more sensitive to LCA than normal cells. And when they’re exposed to LCA, strong signals are sent to the cell’s mitochondria that prompt the mitochondria to self-destruct. With the main energy source of the cell gone, the cell is also destroyed.

The Future of LCA

Dr. Titorenko is continuing to test LCA on animals, exploring its potential with different types of cancers. (He believes it will prove to be effective for many.) Eventually, he expects to get approval to do human trials.

As always, we want to make you aware of the best cancer research out there. And LCA is one important natural option that researchers are actively working on.

We will, of course, continue to update you. Unfortunately, LCA won’t be available as a supplement for some time. But there is something you can do right now to reduce your risk of breast cancer.

In a recent article, we told you about one type of food to avoid – and one specific food that should definitely be in your diet. You can read that article here.

To your best health,

Michael Jelinek,

Managing Editor, NHD “Health Watch”