Common Christmas Decoration Can Help Breast Cancer Patients Live Longer

In All Health Watch, Cancer, Featured Article

A new finding can extend the life of breast cancer patients.

The evidence comes from Dr. Ronald Grossarth-Maticek. He’s director of the Institute for Preventative Medicine in Heidelberg, Germany. He’s dedicated his life to this research. He even blew through a million dollars of family money to find answers. And he’s published over 70 peer-reviewed papers.

His primary question for this study was simple…

Does this plant extract influence the survival time of cancer patients?

Patiently Waiting the Results

The complete study ran for 27 years. It involved 35,814 participants.

Of those participants, 396 were tested in matched pairs. Breast cancer patients made up the majority of the group. Half were given the plant extract. The other half took nothing.

The difference in survival time was significant. Patients treated with the extract lived 40 percent longer than those who didn’t.

Dr. Grossarth-Maticek also tested “self-regulation” scores. He wanted to ensure the plant was the reason for the positive results – not lifestyle habits.

“In 121 of the 396 matched pairs, both patients had identical self-regulation scores,” says Dr. Grossarth-Maticek. He adds, “The result suggests that [the plant] treatment can indeed increase the survival time of cancer patients.”

Dr. Andrew Weil is an expert on natural health and medicine. He’s the bestselling author of 10 books. And he has two degrees from Harvard University. Dr. Weil studies healing systems around the world.

He notes, “In the laboratory, [the plant] extracts have been shown to kill cancer cells and to stimulate immune cells that can help the body fight cancer.”

It’s one of the most widely used cancer treatments in Europe. And it’s approved by Germany’s Commission E as therapy for malignant tumors.

A Christmas Gift of Longer Life

The real gifts during the holidays are hanging above your head. That’s because the life-extending plant is mistletoe.

Mistletoe is a parasitic plant. It grows in the bark of trees. The European type used to treat cancer is called Iscador.

The history of modern medical mistletoe starts in the 1920s. The credit goes to Rudolf Steiner. He’s the founder of Anthroposophy. It’s a combination of science and spirituality. He felt that mistletoe could replace the scalpel.

A Deeper Look at Mistletoe

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) did a study on mistletoe extract. With some interesting results. They noted that it killed mouse, rat, and human cancer cells. It also protected the DNA in white blood cells. Including those exposed to chemotherapy drugs.

But one statement in the NCI report is curious: “Most clinical trials using mistletoe to treat cancer have been done in Europe. Most study results have been published in German.”

It had the tone of an excuse. We can’t have a discussion about these studies because they’re in German?

The NCI also did a phase I clinical study with the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). It “showed low toxicity and showed treatment benefits in almost half the patients. The trial is now closed and the data are being analyzed.”

It appears nothing came of it. Luckily, there’s more. The NCI published a report looking into 21 mistletoe studies. The majority of patients in those studies showed “improved survival rate.”

And few side effects are reported from using mistletoe extract. Sounds fairly promising. But here’s the bad news…

The Difficult Part… Finding Iscador

“The FDA does not allow injectable mistletoe extracts to be imported or used except for clinical research,” says the NCI report.

Mistletoe extract isn’t readily available in the US. It’s commonly used in both Germany and Switzerland. There are several brands. But Iscador is the most extensively researched.

As far as finding Iscador in the U.S. goes… The Center for Integrative Healing in Delmar, New York is one place to find it.

It’s administered as an injection. You should only get it from a healthcare professional.

According to Thomas Jefferson University’s Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine, “It is typically injected 2-3 times per week, but the schedule may vary from patient to patient.”

Mistletoe has an impressive record of extending the lives of cancer patients – especially those with breast cancer. Can it destroy cancer in humans? Research results are mixed. We’ll keep you up to date on any new discoveries.

To your best health,

Michael Jelinek,
Managing Editor, NHD “Health Watch”