Our mission at The Institute for Natural Healing is to provide cutting-edge health information. Nothing on this site should be interpreted as personal medical advice. Always consult with your doctor before making any changes regarding your health.

Does Meat Cause Cancer?

In Featured Article, Health Warning

In the United States there is a fairly common belief based on dubious research and media hype that vegetarian diets are healthier and protective against cancer. I would like to set that myth to rest, because to date, the studies have not been clear on this.

Let’s start with a close look at the popular 2005 book The China Study.… Read More

Coconut Water — A Great Way to Diet… and Hydrate

In Diet and Nutrition

If you’ve ever vacationed in the tropics, you’ve probably seen people drinking from what looks like peeled coconuts with straws inserted. Now I’m finding more and more skinned coconuts in the fruit and vegetable section of grocery stores. Chop off the top, insert a straw and drink up. Coconut water is becoming so popular that there is now a whole bunch of canned coconut water drinks on the market.… Read More

Are Your Lungs Shrinking?

In Featured Article

When it comes to physical health, there are few things more important than “lung power.” Great martial artists like Bruce Lee knew physical strength and robust health depend on your lungs.

The strong men of my father’s era knew it too. Part of what gives you the capacity to live robustly is getting enough oxygen. But without your awareness, you are probably losing lung capacity.… Read More

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10 Tips to Overcome Morning Stiffness

In Featured Article, General Health

Do you find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning because of too much pain? Does it take an hour or two for your body to “warm up” and your joints and muscles to loosen before you can tackle the tasks of the day? If you answered yes, you are not alone.

According to the American College of Rheumatology, fibromyalgia affects 3 to 6 million Americans.… Read More

Fermented Foods and Gut Health

In Diet and Nutrition, General Health

When was the last time that you ate balao-balao, magou, nham or kimchi? If you have no idea what I’m talking about, join the club! Many people have never heard about or tried these fermented foods eaten around the world.  Other fermented foods, which are more familiar to Westerners are yogurt, sauerkraut, and sourdough bread.

Throughout ancient history, fermented foods have played a role in sustaining thriving civilizations, and many cultures continue to consume these health-promoting traditional foods. … Read More