Simple ‘Trio’ SLASHES Cancer Risk 60%!

In All Health Watch, General Health

Tell me if you’ve heard this one before…

Good things come in threes.

This old adage is certainly synonymous with bringing good luck… but according to a new, international health study, it could also help reduce your risk of CANCER – to the tune of nearly 60%!

It may seem impossible, but it’s simple – and true!

Stop Cancer with Vitamin D, Omega-3s, and Exercise

The new research study out of Switzerland found that a simple ‘trio’ of vitamin D, omega-3 fish oils, and exercise significantly reduces your risk of cancer.

Multiple studies have shown that:

  • Vitamin D inhibits the growth of cancer cells…
  • Omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish stop normal cells from turning cancerous…
  • And, physical activity boosts immunity and reduces inflammation, reducing your risk of tumors.

As standalones, these all are great ways to reduce your risk of cancer. But, when combined, the risk of developing cancer plummets by a jaw-dropping 61%!

This is welcome news as studies have projected that the number of new cancer cases per year is expected to climb to nearly 30 million by the year 2040.

And now, you’re probably wondering about that exercise… and I am happy to say that reaping the benefits doesn’t require an expensive gym membership or a grueling personal trainer. Studies have found that activity as simple as walking does wonders for your overall health.

And as for vitamin D and omega-3s, they’re both easy to find at health food stores and your local pharmacy or grocery store.

If you’re considering supplementing with either, be sure to only take the recommended dosage on the product label.