quercetin molecule

Coronavirus: Early Research Provides Hope That One Supplement Could Help Control It

In All Health Watch, Cognitive Health, Featured Article, General Health, Health Warning

The race is on…

Medical research labs around the world have one goal: To find a way to prevent and treat COVID-19. 

Hydroxychloroquine has gotten a lot of publicity. It’s an old malaria drug. News media such as CNN report it could be effective in treating coronavirus.[i]

But it has risks. Its side effects include chest pain, severe dizziness, slow heart rate, muscle weakness, and nausea. It can lead to abnormally low blood sugar and a low blood-cell count.[ii] Also, it’s a prescription drug that is now in short supply. 

The ideal treatment/preventive would be something natural and effective, but without side effects. And you’d be able to get it over the counter.

There is emerging evidence that one supplement could fit this description.

It’s called quercetin

Quercetin is a flavonoid antioxidant…a pigment that lends color to berries, cherries, tomatoes, red apples, yellow and green peppers, and broccoli. It’s also found in green tea and red wine.

Quercetin is taken for a wide variety of ailments. It treats allergy symptoms, reduces inflammation, cuts heart disease risk, and protects the liver.[iii] [iv] [v]

Dr. Roger Seheult believes quercetin could be a strong weapon against coronavirus. He is an associate clinical professor at the University of California, Riverside, School of Medicine. He specializes in pulmonary, critical care, and intensive care medicine… All of which have a strong bearing on COVID-19 treatment.

Dr. Seheult points to lab tests that show hydroxychloroquine is effective against coronavirus. Hydroxychloroquine seems to work because it’s a zinc ionophore. That means it transports zinc—which has antiviral properties—into cells.

“The question is obvious,” says Dr. Seheult. “Do other zinc ionophores do the same thing?”[vi]

Quercetin is a zinc ionophore. And research indeed shows quercetin fights viral infections.

Dr. Seheult cites a study published in the journal Viruses. It shows that quercetin inhibits “a wide spectrum” of flu strains and blocks infection.[vii]

Of course, the flu is not coronavirus. But quercetin is about to be tested against the new disease.

‘We Believe That Quercetin Interrupts the Entry of Viruses’

Dr. Michel Chrétien and Dr. Majambu Mbikay are researchers at the Clinical Research Institute of Montreal. They have designed a clinical trial for quercetin against COVID-19. It will be conducted in China.

They are hopeful because quercetin has proven successful in treating the Ebola and Zika viruses.

Dr. Mbikay believes that coronavirus infects people in a similar way to those viruses. “We believe that (quercetin) interrupts the entry of viruses” in general, he says.[viii]

Once the study begins, Dr. Chrétien thinks it’s possible they will have results within 60 days. We’ll update you as soon as the findings are available.

Ordinarily, we wouldn’t tell you about something this preliminary. When we recommend solutions to our readers, we want them to be thoroughly tested. But this pandemic is a special situation. And we thought you’d want to know.

We’ll continue to bring you important information about promising new treatments that are reported by medical experts.

Editor’s Note: Now more than ever, you need to know about “infinite immunity.” It’s a recent Nobel Prize-winning discovery that gives your body the power to fight off most infections. Find out more by reading our monthly journal, Independent Healing. Go HERE.

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