Why Every Heart Patient Should Meditate

In All Health Watch, Featured Article, Heart and Cardiovascular

This is what kills more Americans than anything else…

Lack of blood flow to the heart. 

At the most fundamental level, this is how heart disease kills. It restricts coronary blood flow, causing heart attacks. 

Mainstream medicine uses stents, bypass surgery, statins, and an array of other drugs to increase blood flow to the heart. None of them work very well.

More Americans than ever are dying of heart disease. It remains the leading killer in the U.S. just as it has been for the last 80 years.[1]

But now, new research shows a surprising natural solution that may work far better than stents or drugs to increase blood flow to the heart. 

The study was published in the Journal of Nuclear Cardiology. Researchers looked at 56 heart disease patients. They divided them into four groups, each getting a different kind of treatment: usual care, cardiac rehabilitation, transcendental meditation, and transcendental meditation plus cardiac rehabilitation.[2]

Transcendental meditation (TM) involves sitting quietly and mentally repeating a word or “mantra.”

After 12 weeks, heart blood flow increased 12.8% in the TM group. It   increased 20.7% in the TM-plus-cardiac-rehabilitation group.

The rehabilitation group had a 5.8% improvement.

What about the group that got the usual mainstream treatments? It had a -10.3% decrease in blood flow.

Dr. Robert Schneider was co-director of the study. He said it shows that meditation can “improve the function of the heart in cardiovascular patients.”[3]

The researchers think meditation helps the heart by reducing levels of stress hormones and inflammation.

How to Meditate: A Step-by-Step Guide

The study cited above used transcendental meditation. But there’s no reason to think other types, such as mindfulness meditation, wouldn’t benefit the heart as well. In fact, research has shown that to be the case.[4]

Mindfulness meditation is simple: You sit comfortably in any quiet place and focus on your breathing. When your attention wanders, return.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Find a seat. Sit on a chair, a park bench, a carpeted floor—anywhere that is comfortable. You want a stable, solid seat…not a porch swing or rocking chair.

Position your legs. Many people like to cross their legs, but that’s not necessary. Sit so that you can relax.

Sit up. Straighten your upper body, but don’t be stiff. Your back has a natural curve. Let it be there.

Drop your hands. Let your hands rest naturally on your legs.

Look ahead. You can close your eyes or gaze forward without focusing on anything in particular.

Feel your breath. Pay attention to the physical act of breathing. Notice your chest and belly rise and fall. Mentally note breathing in and breathing out.

When your mind wanders… Don’t worry about it. That’s normal. Just go back to paying attention to your breathing.

Stop. Open your eyes if they were closed. Notice how your body feels. Pause for a moment to consider how you’d like to continue with your day.

As little as five minutes a day is beneficial. But longer sessions—up to a half hour—or two or three sessions a day, work well for many people.

Meditation has many benefits. Helping to support heart health may be the most significant of them all.

Editor’s Note: Research shows the standard heart disease treatments—stents and statin drugs—don’t prevent heart attacks. Discover what does. Get the Heart Smart Protocol. It’s a simple, science-backed plan that prevents and treats America’s number one killer naturally, without drugs or procedures. You’ll find it in our monthly journal, Independent Healing. Subscribe HERE.

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