This Common Heart Drug Does More Harm Than Good

In All Health Watch, Big Pharma, Health Warning, Heart and Cardiovascular

Some 6 million Americans have been told they have heart failure. It is a grim diagnosis.

More than half will die within five years of finding out they have the condition.

And before they die, life will not be easy.

Their legs may swell with fluid. They may be out of breath after just taking a few steps.

Simple physical tasks may become impossible. Many bounce in and out of the hospital, going from one health crisis to the next as their heart gradually weakens.

Heart failure is responsible for more hospitalizations than all forms of cancer combined.

This is because conventional medicine doesn’t have much that effectively treats the condition.[1] 

The first-line treatment that many cardiologists recommend are beta blocker drugs. But new research shows they often do more harm than good.[2] 

The study was published in the journal JAMA Network Open. It followed about 1,800 patients with the “stiff heart” form of heart failure. It makes up about half of all heart failure cases. The vast majority of these patients take beta blockers.

They include atenolol (Tenormin), carvedilol (Coreg), metoprolol (Lopressor), penbutolol (Levatol), and propranolol (Inderal).

Researchers discovered that “stiff heart” patients who took beta blockers had a 74% greater risk of hospitalization than those who didn’t take the drugs.

Dr. Timothy Plante was the study co-author. He said that beta blockers do seem to work for a different type of heart failure called “weak heart.”[3] 

But “we don’t have effective therapies” for the “stiff heart” subtype, said Dr. Plante. So doctors prescribe beta blockers anyway, assuming what works for one type of heart failure might work for the other.

With “stiff heart,” the heart is less able to relax between beats and fill with blood. Beta blockers appear to raise pressure inside this type of heart, which worsens this malfunction.

5 Natural Heart Failure Solutions

If you have the “stiff” form of heart failure and are on beta blockers, consider showing your cardiologist this article. Ask whether you should stop taking them or not.

Here are non-drug ways to address heart failure…

  1. Hawthorne. This herb is a mild diuretic. It reduces water and salt, which eases heart stress. And it can increase heart-muscle strength.
  • CoQ10. This supplement is a powerful antioxidant that supports the mitochondria in heart cells. Mitochondria supply energy for the heart’s muscle action.
  • Avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They include ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), naproxen (Aleve), and aspirin. They can increase water retention.
  • If you smoke, quit. Nicotine increases your heart rate and blood pressure. It also depletes your blood’s oxygen content. All of which contribute to heart failure.
  • Avoid stress. The hormones your body release in response to anxiety make your heart work harder. Mindfulness meditation is an easy and effective way to beat stress. Learn to do it here.

These natural solutions won’t cure heart failure. But unlike beta blockers, they won’t make it worse. And they may help you restore the quality of life that you thought was gone for good. 

Editor’s Note: Research shows the standard heart disease treatments—stents and statin drugs—don’t prevent heart attacks. Discover what does. Get the Heart Smart Protocol. It’s a simple, science-backed plan that treats America’s number-one killer naturally. You’ll find it in our monthly journal, Independent Healing. Subscribe HERE.

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