Natural Remedy Reduces Stroke Risk by 34 Percent

In Cognitive Health, Featured Article, Health Warning, Heart and Cardiovascular, Stroke

There’s good news for people with high blood pressure (HBP). That’s because new research shows that one simple remedy can significantly lower it.

HBP drugs are big business in the medical industry. But they pose risks of their own… everything from minor ailments like heartburn to life-threatening consequences like kidney damage.

That’s why a group of scientists have been looking at what makes these drugs work. They’ve found the key ingredient is similar to what’s in certain foods in the produce section. And the good news is… they’ve shown that this natural alternative works just as well. But without any risk.

Know Your Risk

Ever wondered why the first thing a dentist does is take your blood pressure? What does that have to do with your teeth?

The reason is that HBP can kill you. And it doesn’t have any warning symptoms. That’s why it’s called The Silent Killer.

You see, if your blood pressure is over 140/90 mmHg, you are at high risk of cardiovascular and kidney diseases. According to the American Heart Association:

  • 77 percent of Americans treated for a first stroke have blood pressure over 140/90

  • 69 percent of Americans having their first heart attack have blood pressure over 140/90

  • 74 percent of American with congestive heart failure have blood pressure over 140/90

But that’s not all: according to the American Society of Nephrology, HBP can cause extensive and rapidly progressive kidney damage.

It gets even worse. You’re at risk for vision loss, erectile dysfunction, memory loss, fluid in the lungs, angina, and more.

And the problem is widespread:

  • From 1996 to 2006, deaths from high blood pressure increased by 48.1 percent.

  • 25 percent of American adults have pre-hypertension – blood pressure higher than normal but not yet within the definition of high pressure.

  • The National Center for Health Statistics reported in 2008 that about one out of 3 American adults – 31.3 percent – has high blood pressure.

Combined with the pre-hypertension statistics – over half the US population is plagued with higher-than-desired blood pressure!

That’s why HBP is such big business. Many researchers are looking for ways to combat HBP. They’ve developed many expensive drugs to do so.

Taking the Risky Route

But these drugs carry their own side effects. Researchers at the University of Connecticut and Harvard Medical School took a look at the risks.

They studied 626 people with moderate blood pressure. They gave the participants drugs from the three main types used to reduce blood pressure. Side effects varied in type and severity from drug to drug. But all the drugs had side effects.

They ranged from dizziness to blurred vision, fainting to kidney damage.

That’s why other scientists have been trying to figure out a way to lower HBP. Without side effects.

A group of researchers at a London University hospital have done just that. Their findings are so exciting that Harvard Medical School has given them the thumbs up.

They isolated the special component in all these drugs. And they say it can be replaced by a natural option. One that has the exact same benefits. But with none of the risks!

On Friday we will reveal more about their findings and tell you where you can get this natural alternative.

To your health,
Ian's signature
Ian Robinson,
Managing Editor,
NHD “Health Watch”