"Reading your e-mails about health info is really a big help for us…"

In Testimonials

It’s good to know that there are people like you, Michael Jelinek, and others inside or outside your team who are pursuing continued research on finding cures on illnesses and other sickness brought about by man’s poor diet, artificial/contaminated foods, excessive lifestyle, and hosts of other environmental factors.

Reading your e-mails about health info is really a big help for us, thanks for letting us know this valuable information and Godspeed on all the researches being done in finding cures to diseases. Please include also information on how such diseases/sicknesses/illnessess could be prevented. I belive in the saying, “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”. Your additonal information on natural methods of healing, theraphy, and other natural cures and how it is applied is greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much.

– Mark N.