We are sorry you are having technical issues with our website. In an effort to assist you in reaping the full benefits of your Independent Healing membership, here are a few tips:
Step 1: Go to our homepage at TheInstituteForNaturalHealing.com.
Step 2: On the main menu, click the button all the way to the right labeled “Members Area.”
Step 3: Once you have arrived in your Members Area, we recommend you bookmark this item on your web browser of choice. If you use Google Chrome, simply press the star button all the way to the right of your address bar and click “Done.” If you use Internet Explorer, click the star button all the way in the upper right-hand corner of your browser. Choose a location, and click “Add to Favorites.” If Mozilla Firefox is your browser of choice, click the star on your toolbar. The star will turn blue, and that’s it!
Step 4: If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to do so. Can’t remember your username or password? Click the “Forgot Password” link in the sign-in box. From here, you can reset your username or password and it will be delivered to your e-mail that you signed up for a membership with.
Step 5: Once you are logged in, you will see the past 12 months of Independent Healing issues. Click to read. If you’d like to read later, click “Add to Reading List.”
Step 6: On the right-hand side, you will notice your Members Area menu. You can use these menu items to navigate through your Members Area.
Step 7: The “Your Reports” link will take you to view any reports you received with your membership. If you joined as a Premium or Platinum member, special reports are waiting for you!
Step 8: Check out the benefits of being an Inner Circle member by click “Inner Circle,” “Doctor Direct,” or “Research Direct.”
If you have any other issues or questions, please call Customer Care at 1-800-818-7209. If you live outside the United States, call 1-443-353-4245. If you’re an Inner Circle member, your VIP Customer Care number is 1-888-345-5131 (international members dial 1-443-353-4456). You can also view a list of Frequently Asked Questions here.