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Stop Alzheimer’s Progression… With CHOLESTEROL?!

In All Health Watch, Anti-Aging, Diet and Nutrition, General Health

Maintaining optimal cholesterol levels is at the top of the list when it comes to the proactive steps you can take for a healthy heart.

But what if I told you that staying on top of your cholesterol can work wonders for other parts of your body…

… Like your BRAIN?

Believe it or not, a study has found that ‘boosting’ a specific type of cholesterol can help protect your brain and potentially help fend off the progression of Alzheimer’s disease!… Read More

LDL Cholesterol Myth Debunked

In All Health Watch, Cholesterol, General Health, Health Warning, Heart and Cardiovascular

A scathing analysis destroys the long-held mainstream belief that so-called “bad” LDL cholesterol causes heart disease.

In fact, it shows that higher cholesterol levels may actually help you live longer.

The study was conducted by an international panel of 16 prestigious researchers, including Dr. Malcolm Kendrick.

His name may sound familiar. That’s because he’s one of our colleagues here at The Institute for Natural Healing.… Read More